Translated the quality guideline for crime scene investigation of the Central Institute of Forensic Science from Thai to English totaling 98 pages.
หมวดหมู่: THAI/ENGLISH
Translate the guidelines for biosecurity for the implementation of modern biotechnology or genetic engineering from Thai to English totaling 175 pages.
The Marine Department
Translated the Guideline on the Convention on the Prevention from English to Thai totaling 42 pages and 182 pages, respectively.
The Marine Department
The Convention 1972 and the Protocol 1996
Individual Development Plan
Translated the Individual Development Plan Guideline from Thai to English totaling 15 pages.
Project 2 Translated the custody handbook of liquefies natural gas pumping from English to Thai totaling 68 pages.
Financial and Economic Document
Translated the financial and economic information of the bank from Thai to English and vice versa.